Welcome to the Saturn Project.

Who We Are:

a community who takes responsibility.

advocates for a growth mindset

committed to changing ourselves and our environment for the better

embracing the beauty and wisdom that comes with aging

supporting each other in our commitment to deeper self-understanding

in pursuit of a purpose filled life

What We Do

The Saturn Project is more than just a community—it’s a commitment to embracing life’s challenges together. It’s a way of going deeper with others, finding purpose, & empowering our resilience.


The Saturn Project seeks to connect like-minded individuals who are seeking genuine connection and support in becoming more embodied. Our collectives serve as a catalyst for positive change, encouraging members to explore, learn, and support each other on their unique journeys toward greater embodiment.


We offer accountability mentorships to help you accomplish your mind, body, and spiritual goals. We believe true fulfillment often arises from a steadfast commitment to our goals and relationships.


Our collectives also function as communities of activists who are committed to creating a better world for everyone. We believe in taking responsibility for our climate and community, and making active contributions towards a more just, equitable, and sustainable society.


With ongoing breakthroughs in the field of psychedelics, we believe that their use should be approached with respect, intention, and a commitment to individual and collective well-being. The Saturn Project encourages responsibility and structure, and believes the integration of psychedelics should be guided by a thoughtful and ethical framework.


We share stories here. We believe in normalizing struggles and encouraging authenticity. The Saturn Project uses the power of our voices to build connections, inspire others, contributes to social change, and enrich the collective human experience.


The Saturn project promotes positive message about aging & taking responsibility for our actions. We believe that clothing can be a simple yet impactful way to contribute to a culture of positivity, inspire others, and foster a personal and collective sense of well-being.

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  • Join the Denver collective or Apply to Start a Collective in your Area
Windows of a building in Nuremberg, Germany

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